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Tarot Teacher

Tarot Teacher classes

Tarot and Intuition
$19.00 USD
Intuition is the journey from A to Z without stopping at any other letter along the way. It is knowing without knowing why. And it...
Navigating the Tarot with Linda Marson
$35.00$145.00 USD
"I see the Tarot as a road map for life", says Linda Marson. "The images on the cards open a magical doorway to possibilities for...
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Angels in the Tarot
$19.00 USD
What does the Tarot tell us about the influence angels have in our lives and the Hero's Journey we are all experiencing? Are angels real,...
Tarot and the path of the Mystic
$19.00 USD
Throughout the ages, mystics have described an experience beyond everyday perception, a transformative awareness of the nature of reality, sometimes called cosmic consciousness or non-duality....
Understanding the ‘scary’ Tarot cards
$19.00 USD
In this class, Cynthia Ray, intuitive Tarot reader and mystic, takes you on a journey into the deeper meanings of Tarot cards that often strike...
Jung’s Active Imagination and the Tarot
$38.00 USD
Carl Jung posited that the unconscious wishes to be known. He developed a technique called “active imagination” as a respectful and focused encounter with figures...
A Jungian approach to Tarot
$38.00 USD
Carl Jung wrote about Tarot on several occasions, seeing it as depicting archetypes of transformation like those he found in myths, dreams and alchemy. He...
Experience Tarot Magic
$19.00 USD
Have you experienced inexplicable moments of magic with Tarot? Would you like to increase these moments and make them work for you to create the...
Reading Tarot Reversals
$19.00 USD
"Most insightful Tarot class I’ve ever taken!" is how one person in the live class described her experience of discovering ways to read Tarot reversals...
The key to effective client-centred Tarot readings
$38.00 USD
In these two classes Linda Marson helps you fine tune your Tarot reading skills by helping clients to formulate clear questions and then helping them...
Doing Tarot readings for yourself
$19.00 USD
Some people don't believe we should do readings for ourselves but the reality is we all do and it's a great way to start learning the...
Working with Your Tarot Birth and Year Cards
$19.00 USD
In this class, Mary K. Greer shows you how to work with your Birth and Year Cards in your own life and with a querent....
Cracking the court card code!
$19.00 USD
The key to interpreting court cards is to focus on the rank and element associated with the suit. Do that and you have a sure...
Kabbalah, DruidCraft and Tarot
$19.00 USD
‘The common thread linking Tarot, Kabbalah and Druidry is a desire to explore what lies beyond the everyday world, a desire to follow a path...
Getting the question right!
$19.00 USD
What sort of questions elicit the most helplful answers in a Tarot reading? In this class Linda Marson provides practical tips on how to help...
A Tarot Encounter
$6.95 USD
The images on Tarot cards speak to us all the time. There are times when their message is uplifting and full of positive energy and...
Client Skills for Tarot Readers
$160.00 USD
Jenne Perlstein's course on client skills gives you the knowledge to tune into your clients and practical ways of engaging them in their reading so...
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Ancestral trauma and healing with Tarot
$38.00 USD
Interest in healing old traumas and core wounds is on the increase. We carry these forward in our genes, auras, and nervous systems. Exploring epigenetics,...
Advanced Tarot – Metaphysics
$38.00 USD
Get ready for new heights of understanding that will take your Tarot reading skills to an amazingly effective and creative level! In these two master...
Advanced Tarot Reading Skills
$38.00 USD
In these two master classes, Katrina Wynne explores the Tarot as a visual symbolic language and shows you simple, yet powerful ways to work with...
Decoding the energies of the Tarot Court
$19.00 USD
Astrology is central to Sara’s approach to interpreting the Tarot Court. So, if you struggle with interpreting the court cards, not knowing when to see them...
Accessing the Oracle Within
$19.00 USD
Understanding your unique intuitive style will help you in your work with Tarot and Oracle decks as well as in your personal life. Of course,...
The Druidcraft Tarot – a gateway to inner wisdom
$38.00 USD
Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, creators of one of the world’s most popular Tarot decks and books, The DruidCraft Tarot, have  developed Integrative Tarot Training, a special way...
An Analysis of the Role of Cartomancers through Western Art
$38.00 USD
In these two classes, Mary K. Greer takes us on an exploratory journey into the role of card readers over the centuries. "Fortunately, an historical...
Strategies for reading Minor cards without scenes or people
$19.00 USD
Many of us are drawn to decks - Marseille, other early decks, some modern decks - that have beautiful Major Arcana cards but Minors without...
Major Arcana Only Readings
$19.00 USD
The traditional Tarot consists of two parts, the 22  very evocative “trump” cards, known as the Major Arcana (“arcana” means “secrets”), and the four suits,...
The Tarot – GPS for the SOUL in Catastrophic Times
$19.00 USD
Searching Out Unknown Layers...Will the world we know collapse?  Will a new one arise?  And if such huge changes happen, could we use the Tarot...
The secret ingredient for effective relationship readings
$38.00 USD
Any Tarot reader or astrologer will tell you that questions about love relationships are top of the list with people who come for readings...questions like...
Tuning in to ‘difficult’ clients
$19.00 USD
Any Tarot or psychic reader will tell you that an ability to 'read' their clients is essential. Tuning in is easy when the person who...
Chakras, gemstones, Tarot and healing
$19.00 USD
Katrina Wynne has a long history of working with chakras, crystals, gemstones and other metaphysical tools such as Tarot to support well-being. She has developed...
Reading Tarot without Spreads
$19.00 USD
Do you have a favourite Tarot spread you use over and over again? Or do you have a collection of spreads from which you select...
An Introduction to Tarot as Therapy
$19.00 USD
Have you ever felt that a focus on predicting the future places unnecessary limitations on how the Tarot can be used? Are you curious about...
Creating a Tarot or Oracle Deck
$57.00 USD
Are you one of the growing number of people creating your own Tarot or Oracle deck or wanting to? Or would you like to know...
Karma, Past Lives and the Tarot
$19.00 USD
'Who am I?'.....'Why does this keep happening to me?'......'We’ve just met-- why do I feel like I’ve known you forever?' In this master class which...
Exploring your Spiritual Path with Tarot and Zen
$38.00 USD
Where are you on your spiritual journey?  What inner resources are available to help you stay focused on the presence of the Divine? In these...
Developing your practice
$38.00 USD
In the two classes on Developing your practice, Katrina uses her own experience as a professional Tarot counsellor and dream analyst to show you how...
Intermediate Tarot – Reading
$38.00 USD
Do you have to be psychic to read Tarot cards? And what does 'being psychic' mean, anyway? In the first of her two ntermediate Tarot...
Psychological Challenges in Tarot’s Major Trumps
$38.00 USD
Life is challenging and it’s easy to get stuck in old patterns that block success. Tarot is a powerful tool for identifying hurdles and guiding...
Improve Your Tarot Readings Through Tarot History
$19.00 USD
Tarot history is one of the most exciting arenas through which to learn to read the cards. NeoPlatonism and Renaissance Humanism provided us with a...
Launch your Tarot or Oracle Deck
$19.00 USD
Are you one of the many artists who have been inspired to create your own Tarot or Oracle deck but launching your deck in what...
Layout or no layout? A Tarot question with many answers
$19.00 USD
Join Linda Marson, former President of the Tarot Guild of Australia, as she plays around with the pros and cons of using fixed Tarot card...
Pathworking with Tarot Numerology
$38.00 USD
How often has the hurly-burly of everyday life left you with a feeling that life is no more than a treadmill, that you've lost sight of your...
Pearls of Wisdom Workbook
$35.00 USD
The Pearls of Wisdom Workbook is unique in that Roxi Sim is the only Tarot artist to produce a resource of this kind to accompany...
Prophecy, Oracles, Fate and Tarot
$19.00 USD
Do Tarot readings set in motion self-fulfilling prophecies? Can Oracles create action? Rachel Pollack and David Vine's translation of Sophocles's play Oedipus Tyrannus provides the theme...
Secrets and Sources of the Rider Waite Smith Minor Arcana
$38.00 USD
Who actually designed the Rider-Waite Tarot cards? Did A. E. Waite unfairly take too much credit for the deck illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith? Let's...
Tarot on the Tree of Life
$19.00 USD
People in the live recording sesson were prolific in their praise of Evelynne Joffe's presentation. Comments included "Awesome", "Fabulous presentation", "It was wonderful - thank...
The Devil – Scapegoat or Light-bringer?
$19.00 USD
The Devil, card number 15, is one of the most feared and misunderstood cards of the Major Arcana, mostly caused by misinformation and superstition.  We...
The Hanged Man – Suicide or Death?
$19.00 USD
On the soul's journey through the experiences of the Major Arcana, The Hanged Man is the point where we decide whether to 'die' and be...
Spiritual and Biblical Roots of Tarot
$38.00 USD
"Through symbols, Tarot cards visually represent the core spiritual and life-affirming messages of all great wisdom traditions. Study of specific cards reveals Christian, Hebrew, and...
The Significance of Significators in Tarot Readings
$19.00 USD
In this class, Katrina Wynne shows how adding significators to your mix of Tarot reading techniques can improve the readings you do for yourself and...
Sexual Symbolism and Meaning in Tarot
$38.00 USD
Sexual energy and symbols are integral aspects of Tarot wisdom. Whether viewing the Magician’s 'wand' or the pregnant belly of the Empress, symbols can be...
Soul Food for Tarot Readers
$38.00 USD
Would you like your Tarot readings to pierce to the very heart of the question and provide answers that are profoundly life-changing? They can! Learn...
Millions of Tarot Spreads
$38.00 USD
As an experienced reader, are you bored with using the same spreads day in day out? Are you the person in the Four of Cups,...
Tarot Music
Réjean Paquin’s Tarot is a brilliant musical interpretation of the energies of the Tarot cards. It takes you from the excitement of the Fool to...
Tarot storytelling
$19.00 USD
The focus of this Tarot class with Linda Marson is on reading the pictures, linking the cards, communicating messages, structuring a reading and helping clients...
Tarot, Magic and Transformation
$19.00 USD
In this class Katrina Wynne focuses on the magical and transformative elements of  Tarot that can add depth to the way you read the cards and...
The Cathedral in Tarot
$15.00 USD
Ever wondered how to interpret the elaborate geometric patterns on the pip cards of Marseilles style decks? Well, this video class is just what you...
The Coming of the Goddess to Tarot
$30.00 USD
When the Mamluk pack came to Europe near the end of the 1300s, it had four suits with cards 1-10 and three Royals per suit....
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