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Developing your practice

In the two classes on Developing your practice, Katrina uses her own experience as a professional Tarot counsellor and dream analyst to show you how to set up, run and promote any sort of esoteric or healing business.

The first class focuses on developing basic counseling skills and a personal code of ethics. Katrina discusses communication skills and how to recognise and interpret non-verbal signals and provides  examples of different codes of ethics developed by professional Tarot practitioners. The second class is full of practical advice on setting up your business – from being clear about who you are and what you’re offering to promoting your business locally and online.

In this video Katrina talks about developing your Tarot business online – a free update to the second class which is one of the eight classes in Level One of her Professional Tarot Consulting Program.

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Developing your practice

$38.00 USD

Katrina_businessYour income from doing Tarot or psychic readings at a local shop is increasing and you’ve been getting positive feedback from customers. You now feel it’s time to take the next step, to turn a part-time job into a professional business.  But where do you start, how do you get your name out there, how do you go about developing and growing your esoteric business?

The two classes in Katrina Wynne’s Developing Your Practice course answer these questions and many more. Katrina uses her own experience as a professional Tarot counsellor and dream analyst to show you how to set up, run and promote any sort of esoteric or healing business.

The first class focuses on developing basic counseling skills and a personal code of ethics. Katrina discusses communication skills and how to recognise and interpret non-verbal signals and provides  examples of different codes of ethics developed by professional Tarot practitioners.

The second class is full of practical advice on setting up your business – from being clear about who you are and what you’re offering to promoting your business locally and online.

About the presenter

KatrinaWynne2015Katrina Wynne, MA, is a professional counselor, independent scholar, writer, international teacher, ceremonialist, and Tarot consultant known for her transformative reading and teaching style. She has taught Transformative Tarot Counseling/Consulting™ since 1992, online and around the world, and has studied Tarot cards and many metaphysical arts since 1971. Katrina now teaches her transformative Tarot reading style as an exclusive opportunity on Global Spiritual Studies, where she presents the key concepts of this program and more, in a variety of formats. She is the author of An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling—The High Art of Reading.  For more information about Katrina Wynne, MA, please visit her website where you’ll find testimonials from people who have studied with her.

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