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Cracking the court card code!

The key to interpreting court cards is to focus on the rank and element associated with the suit. Do that and you have a sure fire way of seeing how your client and others in their lives are behaving towards each other and responding to whatever issue is being explored in the reading.

This is one of eight classes in Linda’s course, Live and Learn the Tarot, but it stands alone as a practical guide to the court cards. For a comprehensive guide to the courts cards Linda recommends Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary K. Greer and Tom Little.

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Cracking the court card code!

$19.00 USD

King of SwordsThey sit so smug and enigmatic before you – those members of the Tarot court… but which angle do you follow? Do you focus on them as people, events, messages or something entirely different?

Without a doubt, interpreting the court cards is one of the great challenges of reading the Tarot. In this session, Linda Marson shares her favourite way of reading the court cards. Depending on whether you use reversed cards or not, Linda believes they represent 16 or 32 ways of responding to situations. If you focus on the rank and element associated with the suit, you have a sure fire way of working with the court cards to see how your client and others in their lives are behaving towards each other and responding to whatever issue is being explored in the reading.

This is one of eight classes in Linda’s course, Live and Learn the Tarot, but it stands alone as a practical guide to the court cards. If you would like to purchase the other seven classes, email to receive a reduction on the full price of the course. For a comprehensive guide to the courts cards Linda recommends Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary K. Greer and Tom Little.

LindaSept2013About the presenter

Linda Marson is a professional Tarot reader, teacher and former President of the Tarot Guild of Australia. ‘I love showing people how to harness the power of the Tarot to find the best way through situations they’re facing,’ says Linda.

‘In 2006, I published a book, Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards in which I used stories of my travels around the world to explain the meaning of the 22 trump cards in the deck, The book was quickly followed by a TV series which won an award for the best spiritual or personal development program on Australian community television. From the response to both book and TV series, I know that my approach to showing people how to use the Tarot in a practical way, works.

In 2017, Linda revised her book and TV series into a multimedia product called TarotNav – a GPS for Life. This unique set of video and written resources is designed to help you read Tarot for yourself. Click here for more information.

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