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Navigating the Tarot with Linda Marson

“I see the Tarot as a road map for life”, says Linda Marson. “The images on the cards open a magical doorway to possibilities for navigating your way through any number of situations or mapping a successful pathway to goals you set yourself. These could be deeply personal goals or you may be wanting to explore different options for developing business plans or advancing your career.  There is no limit to the ways in which the Tarot can help you navigate your way through life.

My TarotNav – a GPS for Life is a unique set of video and written resources that are informative, easy to follow and entertaining! Watch the videos online and download the workbook/journal to your computer or device. You also have the option to purchase two one-on-one Zoom classes with me. These will be recorded and you can download these recordings so that you can watch the sessions as many times as you like.

Watch this video for practical examples of how to use the TarotNav resources and framework to get meaningful answers to questions.”


Scroll down for further information and to purchase.

Navigating the Tarot with Linda Marson

$35.00$145.00 USD

Read Tarot cards for yourself

TarotNav videos illustrating the meaning of the 22 Major Arcana cards vary in length between 7 and 10 minutes, so it’s easy to pace yourself as you explore the energies of these cards. Of course, you could binge and watch all of them in one sitting – a total of three hours!

‘The Major Arcana videos draw on material from my Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards TV series, which was produced in 2006 for a general audience. The TarotNav versions of the videos not only provide an overview of all the Major Arcana cards but also include discussion of Tarot readings to show how the directions given by my TarotNav GPS played out in real life. And much has happened in the years since the TV series, so seven Major Arcana cards are covered in completely new videos, which were a delight to create,’ says Linda. ‘In separate videos, I demonstrate two popular layouts – the Celtic Cross and a seven card layout, often called the Horseshoe Spread.’

Here, to whet your appetite for TarotNav is the video on The Magician which takes you on a journey to Merlin’s Britain.
[spacer height=”20px”]The videos feature music from the wonderful Tarot album by Canadian composer, Réjean Paquin. Click here to find more information about the album on Spotify.

TarotNav e-book

This revision of Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards, contains:

  • simple meanings for all 78 cards in the deck (to complement the videos)
  • navigation tools or road maps…a series of layouts and guides to navigating your way through anything that life throws at you!
  • a workbook/journal for you to keep track of the questions you ask, the readings you do and the action you take as a result. Documenting your journey is an important element of the TarotNaving process. You can download the journal as a Microsoft Word document here and as a PDF here.
Live classes with Linda

If you would like to start doing Tarot readings for clients or if you already do this, take advantage of the option to invest in two one-on one Zoom sessions with Linda. These will be tailored to your specific needs and recorded so that you can return to them at any time. A copy of TarotNav is a pre-requisite for these live classes. At the checkout you have the option to purchase TarotNav only, TarotNav + two Zoom classes or just the two Zoom classes if you already have TarotNav.

  • Linda offers an excitingly innovative learning experience that will help you gain deep meaning from life experiences and get direction for future endeavors…I highly recommend this program as a way to learn how Tarot can be a guide on your personal journey and a key to turn your daily life into a spiritual adventure…from a review by Mary K. Greer, USA. Click here to read the full review.
  • A unique concept – well thought out, and well presented….Linda’s work is incisive, inclusive, and a tremendous resource for an individual to take control of their own life through the energies in each of the 78 cards of the Tarot….A real bonus are two videos that demonstrate popular Tarot layouts – the Celtic Cross and the Horseshoe Spread…I am impressed with the ease of using this material – and I have to say that I adore the music used in the videos (from Canadian composer Rejean Paquin)…from a review by Bonnie Cehovet, USA Click here to read the full review.
  • The TarotNav concept is really clever. I like the succinct way Linda phrases things and draws on the Kabbalah in some of the Major Arcana videosKaren, Wiltshire, UK
  • Congratulations – it’s a great teaching tool. I’m going to enjoy learning Tarot this way…Suzie, Sydney, Australia
  • Just wonderful – visuals and text easy to use. The whole thing is light, colourful and engaging…Greg, Perth, Australia
  • Thank you for your inspiring videos!Catherine, Lyon, France
  • TarotNav is just great!!!Cassie, Lincolnshire, UK
  • I found TarotNav very helpful, easy to follow, well organized, great examples and summaries! Bravo!...Leslie, Maryland, USA.
About the producer

Linda MarsonLinda Marson is a professional Tarot reader, teacher and former President of the Tarot Guild of Australia. ‘I love showing people how to harness the power of the Tarot to find the best way through situations they’re facing,’ says Linda.

‘In 2006 I published a book, Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards in which I used stories of my travels around the world to explain the meaning of the 22 trump cards in the deck, The book was quickly followed by a TV series which won an award for the best spiritual or personal development program on Australian community television. From the response to both book and TV series, I know that my approach to showing people how to use the Tarot in a practical way, works.

Access to documents and video recordings

Watch videos you purchase online. At the checkout you create a username and password which take you directly to the product you purchased. Use these details to log back in to the site to view your video recordings as many times as you like. If you would like to receive TarotNav on a USB flash drive ($40USD), please contact Linda Marson.

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