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The key to effective client-centred Tarot readings

In these two classes Linda Marson helps you fine tune your Tarot reading skills by helping clients to formulate clear questions and then helping them to understand the story their cards reveal – two key aspects of doing effective readings.

In the first class, Linda provides practical tips on how to help clients formulate questions and how to keep yourself, as reader, focussed on interpreting the cards in the context of the question being asked. The second class is about seeing patterns in the images on the cards, about helping people understand the story that is unfolding and what it means for them at this time in their lives.

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The key to effective client-centred Tarot readings

$38.00 USD

As a Tarot reader do you sometimes feel you could have provided a more succinct answer to your clients’ questions? You’re happy with your interpretation of the cards but afterwards think “Hmmm… I should have expressed it this way, that would have been more effective…”

Getting the Question RightIn this package of two master classes Linda Marson helps you fine tune your reading skills by focussing on two key aspects of doing effective Tarot readings – helping clients to formulate clear questions and then helping them to understand the story their cards reveal.

In the first class, Linda provides practical tips on how to help clients formulate questions and how to keep yourself, as reader, focussed on interpreting the cards in the context of the question being asked. There are examples of different layouts for different types of questions, with a focus on the difference between open and closed questions. Closed questions such as ‘Will I get the job I applied for?’ invite only a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ answer. Open questions such as ‘How can I sort out the problem at work’ allow options and strategies to be explored.

The second class is about ‘telling stories’. It’s about seeing patterns in the images on the cards, about helping people understand the story that is unfolding through the cards and what it means for them at this time.

A major focus of this class is on techniques for reading the cards which relate to:

  • reading the pictures
  • linking the cards
  • communicating messages
  • structuring a reading
  • helping clients formulate questions.
About the presenter

LindaSept2013Linda Marson is a professional Tarot reader, teacher and former President of the Tarot Guild of Australia. ‘I love showing people how to harness the power of the Tarot to find the best way through situations they’re facing,’ says Linda.

‘In 2006 I published a book, Ticket, Passport and Tarot Cards in which I used stories of my travels around the world to explain the meaning of the 22 trump cards in the deck, The book was quickly followed by a TV series which won an award for the best spiritual or personal development program on Australian community television. From the response to both book and TV series, I know that my approach to showing people how to use the Tarot in a practical way, works.

In 2017, Linda revised her book and TV series into a multimedia product called TarotNav – a GPS for Life. This unique set of video and written resources is designed to help you read Tarot for yourself. Click here for more information.

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