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Tarot, Magic and Transformation

In this class Katrina Wynne focuses on the magical and transformative elements of  Tarot that can add depth to the way you read the cards and lead to a more meaningful outcome for yourself and your clients. The magical aspects of Tarot become apparent as Katrina draws parallels between Tarot and well-recognised magical and transformative processes.

She explores practical, psychological and spiritual motifs that can be applied to deepen your Tarot work. Influences such as the research of Swiss analyst, Carl Jung, to the magical understandings of Israel Regardie of the Golden Dawn, contribute to the structural foundation of this developmental philosophy.

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Tarot, Magic and Transformation

$19.00 USD

KatrinaWynne2015In this class Katrina Wynne focuses on the magical and transformative elements of  Tarot that can add depth to the way you read the cards and lead to a more meaningful outcome for yourself and your clients. The magical aspects of Tarot become apparent as Katrina draws parallels between Tarot and well-recognised magical and transformative processes.  She explores practical, psychological and spiritual motifs that can be applied to deepen your Tarot work. Influences such as the research of Swiss analyst, Carl Jung, to the magical understandings of Israel Regardie of the Golden Dawn, contribute to the structural foundation of this developmental philosophy.

Katrina developed her unique style of reading over the past 20 years based on her studies of transformative modalities and their specific steps to support change. In this class you learn the four stages of change and explore them from a variety of sources, from philosophy and psychology to classic literature, theater, and film. You also learn how to apply these in a practical context with a four card layout that Katrina uses with her clients. Whether you’re a Tarot novice or expert, you’ll find essential information in this class and find Katrina’s handouts very helpful.

About the presenter

Katrina WynneKatrina Wynne, MA, is a professional counselor, independent scholar, writer, international teacher, ceremonialist, and Tarot consultant known for her transformative reading and teaching style. She has taught Transformative Tarot Counseling/Consulting™ since 1992, online and around the world, and has studied Tarot cards and many metaphysical arts since 1971. Katrina now teaches her transformative Tarot reading style as an exclusive opportunity on Global Spiritual Studies, where she presents the key concepts of this program and more, in a variety of formats. She is the author of An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling—The High Art of Reading.  For more information about Katrina Wynne, MA, please visit her website where you’ll find testimonials from people who have studied with her.

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