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Sara Gilbert

Sara Gilbert is a Professional member of the Tarot Guild of Australia who practises through her business Life Spirit Connections in Melbourne. She is also a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers and holds the Practitioners Diploma in Astrology from the Federation of Australian Astrologers.

Astrology is central to Sara’s approach to interpreting the Tarot Court. In her class, Decoding the Energies of the Tarot Court she looks at links between the court cards and astrology, including their connections to the planets, the zodiac signs and their characteristics; the elements that sit behind them and most esoteric systems, and their creation and relationship to each other on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.


Sara Gilbert classes

Decoding the energies of the Tarot Court
$19.00 USD
Astrology is central to Sara’s approach to interpreting the Tarot Court. So, if you struggle with interpreting the court cards, not knowing when to see them...
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