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Rachel Pollack

Rachel Pollack is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the modern interpretation of the Tarot. During her lifetime she published numerous books on the Tarot, including Seventy-eight Degrees of Wisdom, which is considered a modern classic. She also designed and drew the Shining Woman Tarot. She was a member of the American Tarot Association, the International Tarot Society, and the Tarot Guild of Australia, and was conferred the title of Tarot Grand Master by the Tarot Certification Board, an independent body located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Her master classes for Global Spiritual Studies cover a range of topics – from different ways to read with the Major Arcana to discussions about prophecy and Tarot, as well as the wonderful concept of Tarot as a GPS for the Soul!


Rachel Pollack classes

Strategies for reading Minor cards without scenes or people
$19.00 USD
Many of us are drawn to decks - Marseille, other early decks, some modern decks - that have beautiful Major Arcana cards but Minors without...
Major Arcana Only Readings
$19.00 USD
The traditional Tarot consists of two parts, the 22  very evocative “trump” cards, known as the Major Arcana (“arcana” means “secrets”), and the four suits,...
The Tarot – GPS for the SOUL in Catastrophic Times
$19.00 USD
Searching Out Unknown Layers...Will the world we know collapse?  Will a new one arise?  And if such huge changes happen, could we use the Tarot...
Prophecy, Oracles, Fate and Tarot
$19.00 USD
Do Tarot readings set in motion self-fulfilling prophecies? Can Oracles create action? Rachel Pollack and David Vine's translation of Sophocles's play Oedipus Tyrannus provides the theme...
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