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Petit Lenormand

The most famous card reader during the Napoleonic era was Marie Anne Lenormand. The deck was first published in 1846 for fortune-telling and came with card meanings and reading instructions that were directly based on 18th century ’emblem cards’ and coffee-ground meanings.

Compared to Tarot. Lenormand readings are precise, mundane, concrete, blunt and accurate. The pictures are not read symbolically. The narrow range of meanings, which are functional rather than symbolic, ensure there is little ambiguity about their significance. Intuition plays a major role in reading the cards, enhanced by knowledge and experience.

Lenormand cards work well for answering yes-or-no questions, describing past and present life situations, making short-term predictions, finding lost objects, and describing people and their condition.

Petit Lenormand classes

Advanced Lenormand: Unravelling the Stories
$38.00 USD
'Thank you, Mary, I learned SO much in these two classes'. This comment from one person in the live classes, sums up the response by...
An Introduction to the Petit Lenormand Deck
$15.00 USD
Discover the 36-card Lenormand deck via this 64-slide visual feast (less than a slide-a-minute) that covers the history, variety of decks and a brief overview...
Course on Reading the Petit Lenormand Cards
$134.00 USD
Are you a Tarot reader wanting to ride the Petit Lenormand wave but not sure how to navigate these two very different card systems? Who...
Petit Lenormand – Past and Future
$38.00 USD
Much has changed since the first early 19th century explosion of parlour oracles took traditional European piquet cartomancy by storm into so many different directions....
Speaking the Oracle: how Lenormand works aloud
$19.00 USD
In this master class, Caitlín Matthews breaks down the process of how we speak Lenormand aloud so that it can be a true Oracle for...
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