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Mary Phelan

Mary has been a Spiritual Coach/Counselor and Teacher since 1999, and and has been an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner and Trainer since 2006. Because of her history as a Spiritual and Intuitive Coach, her background in Information Management, and her many years of research into psychology, parapsychology, emotional well-being and brain function, she is well-positioned to help people release restrictive patterning.

Mary is the co-host of the popular television show, Telepathic TV and host of Inner Wisdom Radio (producing over 1200 hours of programming). Available through Global Spiritual Studies are five classes Mary recorded on dream interpretation called Mapping Your Dreams and one on Letting go of the past with EFT. There are also links for purchasing her psychic development and meditation classes.


Mary Phelan classes

Dream Interpretation
$79.00 USD
Mary Phelan's five classes on Mapping Your Dreams contain a wealth of information about the nature of sleep, why we dream and how to organise...
Letting go of the past with EFT
$19.00 USD
Do you sometimes feel you're carrying around suitcases full of old events, traumas, beliefs and even physical items from your past? If so, learning about...
Meditation for a busy life
$77.00 USD
How many times have you thought about doing a meditation class or joining a meditation group and done nothing about it? In our fast-paced Western...
Psychic Development
$97.00 USD
Are you ready to take your psychic abilities to the next level?  If the answer is 'yes', this fun, information-packed audio workshop is for you! ...
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