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Mary K. Greer

Internationally renowned Tarot author and teacher, Mary K. Greer, took her Tarot hat off for a while and totally immersed herself in the study of the Petit Lenormand cards. The result was a course of five classes which teach you how to read the cards quickly and with confidence.  You’ll discover the secret of interpreting Lenormand through pairs and combinations, the kinds of questions that can serve you best, and how to use the playing card inserts found in most decks.

Mary also offers a single introductory class on the Lenormand and two advanced classes.


Mary K. Greer classes

Advanced Lenormand: Unravelling the Stories
$38.00 USD
'Thank you, Mary, I learned SO much in these two classes'. This comment from one person in the live classes, sums up the response by...
An Introduction to the Petit Lenormand Deck
$15.00 USD
Discover the 36-card Lenormand deck via this 64-slide visual feast (less than a slide-a-minute) that covers the history, variety of decks and a brief overview...
Course on Reading the Petit Lenormand Cards
$134.00 USD
Are you a Tarot reader wanting to ride the Petit Lenormand wave but not sure how to navigate these two very different card systems? Who...
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