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A spiritual travel adventure in the land of the Faery faith. The Emerald Isle is a land of unfading beauty that takes your breath away – a land with an astonishing array of ancient sacred sites, each with a story to tell.
A magical tour of Stonehenge and Merlin’s Britain. As you tune into the energy of stone circles and monuments built thousands of years ago, you connect with the spirit of the land and the ancestors of old.
Connect with the magic that lives within you on a tour of sacred sites in Scotland. Highlights of the tour include the Ring of Brodgar and Skara Brae on Orkney, Clava Cairns north of Inverness and Iona, the Isle of Dreams.
A mystical tour in the land of dragons, druids and saints. We visit Snowdonia, Dinas Emrys, stone circles and dolmens, the Druid Isle of Anglesey, the Gower Peninsula and Carmarthen, the city of Merlin. Click the link above for more information.
Why am I here? What’s my purpose? What’s the meaning of my life? Kabbalah will answer these big questions and more. It will change your life! To study Kabbalah is to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment. You gain profound insight into how you think, behave and respond to situations.
The 28 classes in Evelynne Joffe’s Living the Tree of Life course have been designed for beginners, with a psychological rather than a religious emphasis. The beauty of Evelynne’s approach is that her explanations focus on how the energies of the Sephirot and Paths manifest in everyday life. This is a ‘plain English’ guide to the Tree of Life, a truly unique approach to teaching Kabbalah, one that allows you to ‘live’ the Tree as you climb from Malkuth to Kether.
Here’s a taste of what you can expect if you invest in these classes.
Scroll down for further information and to purchase.
$160.00 – $350.00 USD
Why am I here? What’s my purpose? What’s the meaning of my life? Kabbalah will answer these big questions and more. It will change your life! To study Kabbalah is to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment. You gain profound insight into how you think, behave and respond to situations.
This course has been designed for beginners, with a psychological rather than a religious emphasis. The beauty of Evelynne’s approach is that her explanations focus on how the energies of the Sephirot and Paths manifest in everyday life. This is a ‘plain English’ guide to the Tree of Life, a truly unique approach to teaching Kabbalah, one that allows you to ‘live’ the Tree as you climb from Malkuth to Kether.
The word Kabbalah literally means ‘to receive’ and for centuries, this secret tradition was handed down as part of the oral esoteric teaching of Judaism. The Kabbalah forms the basis of all of today’s Western mystery traditions. Kabbalah is a training, a way of life, a way of personal development and an aid to understanding our relationships with others.
For further insight into Evelynne’s approach, read her blog post Using the Kabbalah to find answers to life’s big questions.
Part One contains more than five hours of recorded audiovisual presentations. These cover the structure of the Tree of Life, the glyph or map of the Kabbalah. You work with the spheres, or sephirot, on the Tree to understand the energies they represent and how they can be used as a map of consciousness and spiritual awareness. An understanding of the sephirot is required before you progress to more advanced study in Part Two, where the 22 paths joining the sephirot are explored.
The video clip provides an overview of what you can expect in Part One and includes a few minutes from one of the recorded sessions. It concludes with an interpretation of the energies of the sephirot drawn from travelling the world and beyond![spacer height=”20px”]
In Part Two you move to more advanced and subjective work as you explore the 22 paths of the Tree that link the sephirot. These paths represent the experiences we all undergo in transferring awareness from one sephirah, or facet of individual consciousness to another.
The paths are studied in order starting at the bottom of the Tree on Path 32 and finishing at the top on Path 11. Each path is discussed in terms of:
The final session covers the Angels, the four worlds and summarises how you can apply an understanding of Kabbalah to achieve more balance in life and an ability to focus on priorities.
The 20 sessions which comprise Part Two of the course are divided up as follows:
In this video you see the class where Evelynne discusses Path 25 which runs from Yesod to Tipharet and is associated with the Tarot card Temperance.[spacer height=”20px”]
“I just purchased Evelynne Joffe’s course on the Kabbalah as it relates to the Major Arcana of the Tarot and it is spectacular! I am so glad that I invested in my continued professional development. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about the Kabbalah and esoteric studies!” …Karen from Readings By Karen
“I spent a good part of 2011 working through Evelynne Joffe’s Kabbalah course. Like Karen, I signed up for the link to the tarot but found that the course does so much more. It is full of beautiful stories that help to recall the key principles. Evelynne left me thirsting for more! Thanks Linda for facilitating such an engaging and rewarding experience.” …Suzie
“After speaking to one of Evelynne’s Kabbalah students and gaining insight into their experience, I commenced the Kabbalah course and found it to be a practical, common sense way of looking at the imbalances in my life. If a situation arises that challenges me I now have the tools to deal with it, to bring me back into my centre and truly listen to myself and that is what it is all about. Evelynne empowers you by arming you with the tools to help yourself. She is a professional, direct, intuitive, knowledgeable, caring guide whom I respect enormously and recommend whole heartedly.“…Helen
“I thoroughly enjoyed every class. Each class was the highlight of the week, thank you for making the year fantastic. Evelynne’s teaching style is very informative and easy to understand. This helped me understand the process of paths and sephirot on the tree and how that applies to me in my day to day life.”…Leora
Evelynne Joffe, a Director of the Institute of Esoteric Studies in Melbourne, is a well-known and respected teacher, writer and lecturer of the Kabbalah. She is also a dream therapist and Tarot counsellor.
Evelynne was the founding Vice President of the Tarot Guild of Australia and a past President of the Tarot Guild. She has offered courses in Melbourne on the Kabbalah, as well as beginner and advanced Tarot since the early 1990s. She has also lectured and written on Tarot widely in Australia and overseas.
For more information about Evelynne, visit her website at
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