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Jennifer Starlight

Jennifer Starlight is an internationally recognised Australian trance medium, teacher and author. She is regarded as a leading authority within her field and since 1990, has dedicated her life to demonstrating and teaching the power of Spirit around the world, leaving her audiences in no doubt about her abilities and authentic connection to the Invisible Masters.

Jennifer is the channel and founder of both the Diamond Light Activations and Diamond Light Numerology systems. Jennifer has written four books on esoteric studies and hosted her own Psychic Radio show in the U.S. for 7 years. Her time is now dedicated to being a trance medium and teacher in service to Spirit, inspiring thousands of people to journey inward to discover and realise their own natural intuition and divine intelligence.

A foundation class on her Diamond Light Numerology system is available on Global Spiritual Studies.


Jennifer Starlight classes

Diamond Light Numerology© – Your Angelic Messengers
$19.00 USD
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