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Caitlin Matthews

Caitlín Matthews is acknowledged as a world authority on Celtic Wisdom, the Western Mysteries and the ancestral traditions of Britain and Europe.

In recent years the focus of Caitlín’s work has been the Lenormand Oracle deck. Her own Enchanted Lenormand Oracle was published in 2013 and her comprehensive practical guide to reading the cards –  The Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook was published in 2014.


Caitlin Matthews classes

Petit Lenormand – Past and Future
$38.00 USD
Much has changed since the first early 19th century explosion of parlour oracles took traditional European piquet cartomancy by storm into so many different directions....
Speaking the Oracle: how Lenormand works aloud
$19.00 USD
In this master class, Caitlín Matthews breaks down the process of how we speak Lenormand aloud so that it can be a true Oracle for...
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