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Advanced Tarot Reading Skills

In these two master classes, Katrina Wynne explores the Tarot as a visual symbolic language and shows you simple, yet powerful ways to work with dreams and their symbols. You will learn how to:

  • take your understanding of symbols from two dimensions to multiple possibilities
  • enrich your connection with cards and other oracular modalities by recognising symbol language
  • work with numerology, the spiritual science of numbers, alone or with your oracle tool of choice
  • explore the contribution of Swiss analyst, Carl Jung, and other modern thinkers to our current understanding of archetypes
  • gain a greater understanding of where dreams come from and how a reading is like entering into a dream
  • learn a range of ways to connect more deeply with querents.


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Advanced Tarot Reading Skills

$38.00 USD

The Tower
From the Rider Waite Smith Tarot published by US Games Inc

You’re a good Tarot reader, but imagine being able to delve deep into the the different, dream-like layers of meaning in the cards. Imagine how rich and enlightening your readings could become.

In these two master classes, Katrina Wynne explores the Tarot as a visual symbolic language and shows you simple, yet powerful ways to work with dreams and their symbols. Dream-work skills and being able to read symbol language are fundamental to embracing the true meaning of divinatory oracles such as Tarot and Lenormand.

In these classes you will:

  • take your understanding of symbols from two dimensions to multiple possibilities
  • enrich your connection with cards and other oracular modalities by recognising symbol language
  • work with numerology, the spiritual science of numbers, alone or with your oracle tool of choice
  • explore the contribution of Swiss analyst, Carl Jung, and other modern thinkers to our current understanding of archetypes
  • gain a greater understanding of where dreams come from and how a reading is like entering into a dream
  • learn a range of ways to connect more deeply with querents.

[spacer height=”20px”]The price includes copies of all the presentation slides and a number of other handouts.

If you would like to learn more about interpreting the symbols in dreams, check out the five classes in Mary Phelan’s course, Mapping Your Dreams, available through Global Spiritual Studies.

KatrinaWynne2015About the presenter

Katrina Wynne, MA, is a professional counselor, independent scholar, writer, international teacher, ceremonialist, and Tarot consultant known for her transformative reading and teaching style. She has taught Transformative Tarot Counseling/Consulting™ since 1992, online and around the world, and has studied Tarot cards and many metaphysical arts since 1971. Katrina now teaches her transformative Tarot reading style as an exclusive opportunity on Global Spiritual Studies, where she presents the key concepts of this program and more, in a variety of formats. She is the author of An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling—The High Art of Reading.  For more information about Katrina Wynne, MA, please visit her website where you’ll find testimonials from people who have studied with her.

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