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Advanced Tarot – Metaphysics

Get ready for new heights of understanding that will take your Tarot reading skills to an amazingly effective and creative level! In these two master classes Katrina Wynnehelps you tap into the metaphysical wisdom contained in each card.  You will:

  • explore the concepts of metaphysics, mysticism and magic
  • learn how astrology, alchemy and Kabbalah relate to Tarot
  • learn how the influences of planets, constellations, and astrological houses appear in the cards and in readings
  • journey through the ancient wisdom of alchemy to an understanding of the secret magical formula to offering truly transformative readings.


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Advanced Tarot – Metaphysics

$38.00 USD

Modern Metaphysics
Image from Desktop Class

Get ready for new heights of understanding that will take your Tarot reading skills to an amazingly effective and creative level! You know that the cards operate on a metaphysical level, one that goes way beyond realities we can perceive through our senses, but you’ve never taken the time to systematically explore these levels. Now you can. In these two master classes Katrina Wynne helps you tap into the metaphysical wisdom contained in each card.  You will:

  • explore the concepts of metaphysics, mysticism and magic
  • learn how astrology, alchemy and Kabbalah relate to Tarot
  • learn how the influences of planets, constellations, and astrological houses appear in the cards and in readings
  • journey through the ancient wisdom of alchemy to an understanding of the secret magical formula to offering truly transformative readings
  • learn how the concepts associated with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life can be applied to reading the cards.

[spacer height=”20px”]The price includes copies of all the presentation slides and a number of other handouts. If you would like to learn more about Kabbalah in particular, check out the following class and course offered by Evelynne Joffe through Global Spiritual Studies.

[spacer height=”20px”]About the presenter

KatrinaWynne2015Katrina Wynne, MA, is a professional counselor, independent scholar, writer, international teacher, ceremonialist, and Tarot consultant known for her transformative reading and teaching style. She has taught Transformative Tarot Counseling/Consulting™ since 1992, online and around the world, and has studied Tarot cards and many metaphysical arts since 1971. Katrina now teaches her transformative Tarot reading style as an exclusive opportunity on Global Spiritual Studies, where she presents the key concepts of this program and more, in a variety of formats. She is the author of An Introduction to Transformative Tarot Counseling—The High Art of Reading.  For more information about Katrina Wynne, MA, please visit her website where you’ll find testimonials from people who have studied with her.

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