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Réjean Paquin

An exhilarating musical roller-coaster ride through the Major Arcana is one way to describe Réjean Paquin’s Tarot music. Sound effects and voices are woven into the 22 tracks which are a mixture of styles – from gentle ballads to pop tunes to cinema-style soundtracks.

If you want a CD of ‘wallpaper’ music to play in the background at your next dinner party, this is not the CD for you. But if you want a musical interpretation of the energies of the Tarot cards, this is definitely the CD for you! Réjean’s Tarot takes you from the excitement of the Fool to the agonies of Death and the Tower, to the quiet, almost divine state of Judgement and the World, where you know you’ve reached your destination. This is music to listen to over and over again, music that reveals something new at every listening.


Réjean Paquin classes

Tarot Music
Réjean Paquin’s Tarot is a brilliant musical interpretation of the energies of the Tarot cards. It takes you from the excitement of the Fool to...
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