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Reading Tarot Reversals

“Most insightful Tarot class I’ve ever taken!” is how one person in the live class described her experience of discovering ways to read Tarot reversals – the cards that are upside-down in a spread. One of the first things Mary K. Greer says is that “you don’t have to read reversed cards!” However, ideas you learn in this class with her will add a richness of depth, nuance, tone and subordinate ideas to your upright meanings.

Reversed cards have traditionally emphasized adversity, yet they are also our greatest keys to spiritual growth and inner knowledge. A reversed Tarot card is like a red-flagged file folder saying, “Pay attention! I’m not operating as usual. There’s something different about me.”

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Reading Tarot Reversals

$19.00 USD

How do you read Tarot reversals – the cards that are upside-down in a spread? First: you certainly don’t have to! However, ideas you learn in this class with Mary K. Greer will add a richness of depth, nuance, tone and subordinate ideas to your upright meanings.

Reversed cards have traditionally emphasized adversity, yet they are also our greatest keys to spiritual growth and inner knowledge. A reversed Tarot card is like a red-flagged file folder saying, “Pay attention! I’m not operating as usual. There’s something different about me.”

Tarot  reversals can represent energy that is constrained and needs to be liberated. That is, they point to hidden potentials and deep wisdom. While upright cards tend to function automatically and are relatively obvious, reversals require more attention to plumb their depths. They help us see things from a different perspective. In fact, you get to choose how they will serve you best and I’ll suggest 12 ways that might work for you.

Yes, they can indicate discomfort similar to the feeling you or a client gets when they turn up in a spread. Perhaps you’ll have to backtrack or reconsider an option or recognize a dead-end, but they also can bring relief and counsel release. They take us out of our place of ease and into the realm of soul and underlying causes, where everything is connected and magic happens.

Intrigued? I hope you will join me as we go below surface appearances to the center of the self. Are you ready to surrender to an opposing point of view, reverse your consciousness, and imagine differently? Discover Tarot reversals as one of the great gifts of Tarot.


The words “fantastic“, “wonderful“, “excellent”, “enlightening” featured in feedback from people who participated in the live class. Here are some other longer comments.

Most insightful Tarot class I’ve ever taken! Mary K Greer is a living legend! Thank youLaurel, USA

I don’t typically read reversals. So I really appreciated beginning with the disclaimer that it’s not necessary. All of the reversed meanings provided, though, can be incorporated into a deeper understanding of the possibilities of the card interpretations….John, USA

Awesome class! Mary doesn’t enforce her techniques but encouraged us to share our own insightsJohn, Philippines

Thanks! You have opened up new ways of reading the TarotMarian, USA

About the presenter

Mary K. Greer is an independent scholar, writer, teacher, and professional Tarot consultant known for her innovative teaching techniques. With an M.A. in English Literature, she taught Tarot in colleges for 15 years. She is the author of 12 books on Tarot and on magic, and was first to write about using Tarot for oneself. She pioneered what she calls the RITE method: “Readings that are Interactive, Transformational and Empowering.”

Featured at most Tarot conferences in the U.S. and abroad, Mary travels the world teaching Tarot. In 2007, Mary received the International Tarot Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Tarot Studies and is a research partner in Le Tarot Associazione Culturale (Italy). She also received the 2006 Mercury Award from the Mary Redman Foundation for “excellence in communication in the metaphysical field,” and the 2006 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) award for best divination book.

Her books include Tarot for Your Self: A Workbook for Personal Transformation, 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses, and is a co-author of Pamela Colman Smith: The Untold Story. You can find her at and on Facebook.

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