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The secret ingredient for effective relationship readings

Any Tarot reader or astrologer will tell you that questions about love relationships are top of the list with people who come for readings…questions like “Does he/she love me?” “I know we’re meant to be together, but when’s it going to happen?” And how many times do they, as readers, think “Why is he/she so obsessed with this person?” What’s the real issue here?”

The secret ingredient lies with understanding human behaviour, with recognising what shapes the way we react to people, the way we create and respond to situations. In these two classes, Jenne Perlstein draws on her experience as a social worker, Tarot reader and astrologer to deepen your understanding of the cards and planetary influences that reveal the true story behind those relationship questions.

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The secret ingredient for effective relationship readings

$38.00 USD

Two of Cups
From The New Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene.

“This is so much more in-depth than I was expecting, I’m loving it!”, “I thoroughly enjoyed both sessions – as usual, lots to think about now!” These comments about Jenne Perlstein’s two classes on ways to improve your ability to respond effectively to relationship issues that surface in a Tarot reading, reveal just how information rich the sessions are.

Any Tarot reader or astrologer will tell you that questions about love relationships are top of the list with people who come for readings…questions like “Does he/she love me?” “I know we’re meant to be together, but when’s it going to happen?” And how many times do they, as readers, think “Why is he/she so obsessed with this person?” What’s the real issue here?”

The secret ingredient lies with understanding human behaviour, with recognising what shapes the way we react to people, the way we create and respond to situations. In these two classes, Jenne Perlstein draws on her experience as a social worker, Tarot reader and astrologer to deepen your understanding of the cards and planetary influences that reveal the true story behind those relationship questions. Topics for discussion include:

  • personality theories such as transactional analysis
  • family of origin issues
  • tarot cards and planetary influences that provide clues to  underlying behavioural patterns
  • ways of interacting with clients to provide a positive reading experience.

There are also several practical examples of layouts that can be used to explore relationship issues.

About the presenter

Jenne Perlstein, MBBS (Medical Bachelor, Bachelor of Surgery), BSW (Bachelor of Social Work), Cert. 4 TAA, AASW; Cert.Appl Astrology(Astro Synthesis) is a widely experienced social worker (25 years) with a degree in medicine (including study of psychology and psychiatry).

Jenne is a Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia, and has been reading tarot for 16 years. She is also an astrologer, having studied at the Chiron Centre in Melbourne in 1997.

As a social worker she uses the knowledge gained in Medicine in her work which encompasses counselling, family work, case work, community development, policy and extensive work in education. She has worked in Australia and the UK in the areas of aged care, brain injury, mental health, vocational rehabilitation and Aboriginal justice.

Jenne has a passion for the psycho-spiritual, and in addition to the above, has studied and participated in Kabbalah, meditation, Jungian psychology and primal therapy. For more information visit Jenne’s website, Tarot Astro Counselling.

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