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The secrets of lunar planning

Want to know how to use moon phases to plan your life? In this lively and entertaining presentation on the secrets of lunar planning, astrologer, Stella Woods, reveals all! She shows how tapping into moon phases helps with everything from knowing the best time to plant your lettuces, visit the hairdresser, shave your legs, launch your business or decorate the bedroom.  Or perhaps you’re looking for the perfect wedding date or a better understanding of your flatmate/son/boss?

“Astrology doesn’t need to be complicated,” says Stella.  “Sometimes the simplest things work best – in this case simply understanding the significance of moon phases. “

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The secrets of lunar planning

$15.00 USD

Want to know how to use moon phases to plan your life?  In this class on the secrets of lunar planning, astrologer, Stella Woods, reveals all! She shows how tapping into moon phases helps with everything from knowing the best time to plant your lettuces, visit the hairdresser, shave your legs, launch your business or decorate the bedroom.  Or perhaps you’re looking for the perfect wedding date or a better understanding of your flatmate/son/boss?

Astrology doesn’t need to be complicated and sometimes the simplest things work best – in this case simply understanding the significance of moon phases.  Stella’s lively and entertaining presentation offers easy-to-follow, practical tips for a hassle free existence and will have you rushing out to buy your own moon calendar.

Class content
  • Why your moon sign holds the key to inner harmony and balance
  • How to improve your relationships and understand others better
  • The best times to cut your hair or wax your legs or do just about anything!
  • The secrets of planting and gardening by the moon
  • How lunar fertility can improve your chances of conception
  • Why you should never get married on a balsamic moon….
About the presenter

moon phasesStella became interested in astrology and other esoteric studies when she moved to Australia in the mid-eighties. Since then she’s offered astrological advice to thousands of clients all over the world; taught astrology and tarot to hundreds of students; lectured at international conferences; hosted a radio talkback show on Melbourne’s 3RRR 102.7 FM; written a monthly column for Australian new age magazine, Living Now and co-produced moon calendars in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Italy.

Stella is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers and a Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia. She also holds certificates in Medieval Astrology and Spiritual Group Facilitation and has studied literary symbolism, Kabbalah and Jungian psychology. For more information about Stella and her work, click here to visit her website.

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