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Exploring your Spiritual Path with Tarot and Zen

Where are you on your spiritual journey?  What inner resources are available to help you stay focused on the presence of the Divine? In these two classes, Geraldine Amaral reveals how you can use the images and teachings of the Osho Zen Tarot deck to help you tune into the Divine Presence within. She emphasizes the practice of using the Tarot as a tool for personal strength and inner transformation.  Be prepared for an eye-opening and transformative experience!

This short video contains an extract from the class.


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Exploring your Spiritual Path with Tarot and Zen

$38.00 USD

Think of all the great words and great teachings as your deadly enemy.  Avoid them, because you have to find your own source. – Osho Zen Tarot

Where are you on your spiritual journey?  What inner resources are available to help you stay focused on the presence of the Divine? In these two classes, Geraldine Amaral reveals how you can use the images and teachings of the Osho Zen Tarot deck to help you tune into the Divine Presence within. She emphasizes the practice of using the Tarot as a tool for personal strength and inner transformation.  Be prepared for an eye-opening and transformative experience!

Often considered the most spiritual of all Tarot decks, the Osho Zen Tarot, is based on Zen Buddhism.  Unlike traditional decks, the images created by Ma Deva Padma have a contemporary feel and capture the uncluttered spirit of Zen, best known for its simplicity, spirituality, mysticism and paradox.

No experience with Tarot is required – only a willingness to look within, to grow and to contemplate your inner Spirit. Even though Geraldine is demonstrating her techniques with the Osho Zen Tarot, you can apply the techniques with any Tarot deck. Watch the video clip for a taste of what to expect from these two thought-provoking and inspirational classes.

If you would like to know more about Geraldine’s approach to Tarot and how she incorporates Divine Metaphysics into her readings, click here to read her blog post, Tarot, Zen and your spiritual path.


Geraldine talks to Ma Deva Padma, the artist who created the hauntingly beautiful images of the Osho Zen Tarot. Padma and Ashika’s Embraceart Studio is nestled in the serene landscape of the Macedon Ranges, northwest of Melbourne, Australia. For both artists, the process of creating is at the heart of their lives. They experience the development of new artworks as a mystery and a revelation, where subtle changes manifest not only on the surface of a piece, but within themselves.

Click here to hear Geraldine’s conversation with Padma about the extraordinary journey that took her from a town near Boston to India and beyond.


Class One: Your spiritual journey as seen through the eyes of the Tarot

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate….Carl Jung

In the first class, we begin the conversation with the unconscious, posing questions about the spiritual and archetypal themes operating in our lives.  Geraldine offers a brief overview of the Tarot “system” and how that system is expressed through the Osho Zen Tarot deck, whose penetrating images allow us to see reflections of ourselves in a direct and uncomplicated manner.  She shares her own stories of personal transformation with the deck and its messages of wisdom, and offers you ways to work with these images on a deeper level. Have your Tarot deck handy because you’ll be choosing cards – preferably from the Osho Zen Tarot, but any deck can be used. Click here to visit the Amazon website where you can purchase the Osho Zen Tarot for $20 or less.

Class Two: Tenants of  Zen Buddhism as expressed in the Tarot

This class explores some of the components of Zen wisdom and teachings using illustrations from the deck.  Geraldine demonstrates the Spiritual Challenges Spread, discusses journaling and offers a guided meditation using the Tarot images. Again you wil be exploring aspects of your spiritual path by choosing cards from both the Major and Minor Arcana, with Geraldine offering ways of interpreting cards for those who participate in the live classes.

About the presenter

Reverend Geraldine Amaral is the author of Tarot Celebrations:  Honoring the Inner Voice, creator of Tarot 1-2-3, an instructional video.  She also has a regular column in Pathways Magazine.  She fell in love with the Tarot in the 1980s when she had her first  reading and has been using, studying and writing about the Tarot ever since.  She has been fascinated by, and immersed in alternative spirituality for many years.  She utilizes Jungian/archetypal psychology and Divine Metaphysics in her work and is a respected/gifted teacher and intuitive counselor. She focuses her work on how to use esoteric tools like the Tarot and I Ching in pragmatic ways as well as for insights and personal transformation.  Her classes provide a unique blend of spirituality, psychology, philosophy, humor, literature and personal empowerment methods.  She is an ordained minister in the United Metaphysical Churches. For more information, visit Geraldine’s website, The Spiritual Tarot.

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