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Ancestral trauma and healing with Tarot

Interest in healing old traumas and core wounds is on the increase. We carry these forward in our genes, auras, and nervous systems. Exploring epigenetics, energy work, neural networks and quantum field theory has led many of us to connecting the dots between mysterious feelings we have and links to our cultural and biological heritage.

In these two classes Katrina Wynne discusses and demonstrates how we can use tools such as Tarot and oracle cards to dive deep and begin to unravel some of the strings of influence from early life experiences or past lives that have led to core wounds and self-protective unconscious behaviors. These could be ready to heal leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.

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Ancestral trauma and healing with Tarot

$38.00 USD

The 10 of Staves from the Ancestral Path Tarot by Julia Cucia-Watts.
  • Do you become teary, or have sudden, unexpected nervous reactions to particular events or experiences?
  • Have you noticed stressful repeating patterns in your life that you feel helpless to change?
  • Do you feel there is a curse hanging over you or your family?


Interest in healing old traumas and core wounds is on the increase. These are carried forward in our genes, auras, and nervous systems. Exploring epigenetics, energy work, neural networks and quantum field theory has led many of us to connecting the dots between mysterious feelings we have and links to our cultural and biological heritage. Past lives may also be involved.

Core wounds are early life experiences that set our armor in place, our protective unconscious behaviors that may be ready to release and heal. This leads to feeling more whole and in tune with life.

In this two classes, we use our oracular tools to dive deep and begin to unravel some of these strings of influence and more…

PART I – Where we came from and how we got here

  • ancestral patterns of migration, cultural diversity, and some of the major traumas of history
  • the science of epigenetics and ways our subconscious mind repeats protective programs.

[spacer height=”20px”]PART II – Moving into a new future of harmony

  • Learn how to use Tarot, oracles, and other metaphysical tools to match the energy of your ancestral past.
  • Practical exercises designed to transmute the past and shift stuck energies into a more vibrant and present feeling in life.

[spacer height=”20px”]How to prepare for the sessions

These sessions are for anyone and everyone…

  • Be in a quiet, private space where you will not be disturbed.
  • Bring your favorite Tarot and/or oracle decks. Lenormand and Kipper are very useful for this work. Decks that have people, different time periods, physical ages, unique orientations, diverse skin tones, and cultural clues are most helpful.
  • Pen or colors for drawing and notes
  • Water or tea to drink
  • Have tissues nearby, be sure to blow your nose, wipe water from eyes.
  • Create an altar for your Ancestors (recommended not compulsory).
  • Have class handouts nearby.
  • Some intuitive reading in advance is recommended.

These two classes are now part of Katrina Wynne’s Tarot Spirituality™, Wholeness and Healing Certificate Course.

About the presenter

Katrina Wynne, M.A. has a 30+ year background in professional counseling and psychotherapy, working with trauma therapeutically. Her 50+ year journey with Tarot as a teacher, guide, and healer has blended with her professional skills to offer dynamic ways to heal ourselves using Tarot, oracles, and therapeutic tools.



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