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Global Spiritual Studies

Learning experiences

To nourish your soul

Linda Marson

“First and foremost, we are people passionate about personal spiritual development! Our aim is to offer learning experiences and products to nourish, inspire and guide you along your spiritual path. I’m Linda Marson, founder of Global Spiritual Studies. My particular passion is Tarot, which I see as a wonderful tool for exploring issues and opening doors to new possibilities and new ways of seeing old issues.

A large part of my ‘official’ working life was spent in the field of education and training, with Tarot and spiritual studies as a sideline.

But the tables have well and truly turned – launching Global Spiritual Studies in January 2011 placed spiritual activities centre stage for me. I’m relishing the experience of applying skills and knowledge developed in the context of mainstream education in new ways and with a new focus.”

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Since establishing Global Spiritual Studies in 2011 I’ve worked with people who have expertise in a wide range of areas. My role is to help them produce their classes or products in ways which take advantage of this wonderful medium of online learning.

From my perspective, the birth and growth of Global Spiritual Studies is a story about having an idea, about taking a leap of faith, about embarking on the Fool’s journey full of exciting ideas, challenges, friendships and joy at watching the seedling I planted grow and flourish. So many beautiful flowers have already bloomed – how many more are below the surface, just waiting for the right moment to burst forth?

I’ve documented aspects of the development of Global Spiritual Studies in the three Behind the Scenes blog posts listed below .

Global Spiritual Studies teachers at Tarot Guild of Australia International Conference

Key presenters at the Tarot Guild of Australia’s International Tarot Conference in 2013 included familiar faces from some of the most popular online classes offered through Global Spiritual Studies. From left, Rachel Pollack, Evelynne Joffe, Linda Marson, Caitlin Matthews and Mary K. Greer.

Jenne Perlstein and Linda Marson at Tarot Guild of Australia International Tarot Conference

Jenne Perlstein (left) wasn’t around when the group photo was taken, but I made sure she didn’t miss out on being in the photo gallery!

Behind the scenes blog

Turning a bright idea into a business reality with Linda Marson

In this post Linda Marson, founder of Global Spiritual Studies, puts herself in your shoes and asks some of the ...
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Personal transformation through travel with Linda Marson

I’m sure you know what it’s like to return from a special holiday with a sense of inner peace and renewal. ...
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Looking at life as a learning experience with Linda Marson

Linda Marson has more than 30 years experience in Australia’s vocational education and training industry. She also has a deep ...
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